Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mason's 1st Birthday

Mason turned one last Saturday.  It is crazy how fast the last year has gone.  We are so, so blessed to have such a health, intellegent, and happy baby.  Because our house is for sale, we had Mason's party at a neighborhood park.  It was so much fun and had a wonderful turn out!  Special thanks to Grandma who made Mason's birthday cake!

Good morning birthday boy!


I can hardly believe summer is nearly over!  Even more unbelievable is that my baby boy is now one! 

We've had some really fun adventures this summer and have spent some great quality time with our family as well!  We've spent time at the pool, at different parks with swings and another with a splash pad, at the Pink House in the mountains, and we've had a fun time catching up with friends!  Mommy had her knee surgery and the whole family got to spend some good time recovering at Grandma & Grandpa's in Westminster!  Here are a few of my favorites from summer!