Sunday, July 20, 2014

Baby Matthew

Matthew Joseph Gustafson joined our family on May 1st, 2014.  Our second bundle of joy has been the sweetest addition to the family and I am so thankful for our family.

I found out I was pregnant in September.  We were so excited and a little stunned- as we got pregnant more quickly than planned.  I had wanted two summer babies- I love planning birthday parties and activities to celebrate my children.  But May was just as wonderful as it meant our family was going to grow.

My pregnancy was fairly easy- if you can call growing a human being easy!  Baby Matthew (who was not named Matthew until after he was born) liked to hang out upside down in utero for the majority of my pregnancy.  We even were prepared for a c-section as Matthew hadn't decided which way he wanted to come out days before his birth!

Dr. Finnegan was my wonderful OB who gave way to my suggestions of a "May Day" baby.  Boys can like flowers too, right?!  Because Matthew was considered an unstable lie on Monday before he was born, we entered the hospital on May 1st without knowing whether we would be induced or prepping for surgery.

Luckily, Matthew was head down and ready to go! After an ultrasound that confirmed our hopes, the nurses started pitocen at 9:30am.  Things moved quickly and I received my epidural at 11am.  I had a wonderful anesthesiologist who worked hard to make me comfortable.

At 11:30 my water broke.  Dr. Finnegan was scheduled to assist in a surgery at noon, which then got pushed to two.  Thankfully the surgery was cancelled all together because I dialated quickly and Matthew was raring to go!  At sometime after two, Finnegan came by quickly to check on me in his street clothes and asked me to push just to see how things were looking.  I gave one push and Finnegan ran out the door as the nurse shouted at me to stop!  Matthew's head was on it's way!

Once the nursing staff convened and Finnegan had changed, it took three short pushes and out came my second baby boy!  Casey was able to pull Matthew out which was very special.  He claims he delivered Matthew! (We'll give him that!)

Matthew Joseph (who still did not have a name) was 8 pounds, 11 ounces and 21 inches long with beautiful white-blonde hair.  He was perfectly healthy and wonderful in every way.

It took a few hours to decide on a name, but we agreed to name the baby after important men in Casey's family.  Matthew is Casey's brother, Jeremy's, middle name.  Joseph is the middle name of Casey's brother Josh, and Casey's father, Mark, who died in a mudslide in Washington state in March of the same year.

Mason was so excited to be a big brother and has been the most loving child we could hope for.  Matthew is the sweetest, most easy going baby.

God blessed me with boys.  I hope that I can teach them to love bravely and unconditionally.

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