Sunday, January 16, 2011


Our lives changed six months ago today- definitely for the better!!  I can't believe how quickly time passes.  I have been awful about posting since going back to work, expecially with the holidays.  Here are some of the wonderful things that Mason has been doing:

He can roll from back to tummy and tummy to back in both directions.
Mason had his first Christmas and was spoiled rotten- just like it should be!!
He is eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables- all of which have gone over like gangbusters (except for apples... we're not sure what happened there!).
Mason started daycare when Daddy got a new job working days.  I prefer to call it school- it just sounds better!!  His teachers say he is the happiest baby they've seen!
Mason is sitting unassisted for short periods of time.  We know our days are numbered... he'll be giving us a run for our money soon!!

We are greatful everyday that we have a beautiful, healthy baby.  He has stolen our hearts.

A few photos from the last few months:
Christmas 2010

First day of daycare

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