Sunday, May 22, 2011

The times are a-changing!

Oh my!  I cannot believe it has been so long since I have been here to update about my precious little one and our family!  Our little one is not so little anymore... he is 10 months old now! 

Mason is growing and changing all the time.  He's had quite the run of illness from being in daycare!  RSV, stomach flu, and pink eye of note.  I'm amazed at how resilient he is- even on the worst days, his happy personality shines through!

We've had a lot of fun too in the last few months!  We celebrated the birth of Mason's newest cousin, Tegan, with a Babymoon in Estes Park a week before she was born with the Coleman's.  Daddy remodeled the upstairs bathroom and it's gorgeous! Grandma Rose came and spent the night with Mason so Mommy and Daddy could celebrate Mommy's 30th birthday in Central City.  We also visited the Denver Zoo and recently found out Mason will have another BOY cousin in October!  Mason also started swimming lessons! The biggest excitement is we are getting ready to put our house on the market to make the move up north to be closer to our growing extended family!  Mommy is so excited to be off for the summer with Mason to have all kinds of new adventures!

A few of the biggest milestones Mason has reached:

Sitting up unassisted
Rolling from back to tummy and tummy to back
First haircut
Waving goodbye
Saying "dadadada" and "mamamama"
Eating "people" food- fruits, veggies, some meats, breads, cheese, etc
Pulling himself to standing
Holding his own bottle
"Walking" in an activity walker
Standing unassisted for very short periods of time
Giving high-fives
A first tooth!

We are so excited for what the near future holds for us! 

A few of my recent favorites:

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